Home Care: (02) 8645 4010 | Residential: (02) 9675 3285

Administration Process


Prior to Admission 

We will encourage you to visit the Home and undertake a tour. Where this is not possible, we can arrange a tour by video conference. You will receive an Enquiry Pack with all the information that you will need.

We will provide you with essential information and ask you to supply us with the documentation we need. This will include:

  • National Screening Assessment Form (ACAT Assessment)
  • Completed Pre-admission form
  • Copy: Income and Asset Assessment letter
  • Copy: Medicare, pension, safety net, DVA, diabetic and private medical insurance cards (as applicable)
  • Copy: Power of Attorney/Guardianship Documents
  • Completed Resident Agreement
  • Completed Privacy Agreement
  • Completed Direct Debit Request
  • List of medications from the hospital doctor or your GP
  • Complete Medical History from your GP
  • Webster Pack and non-packed medications
  • Completed Pharmacy Forms

We realise that death is a sensitive subject for many people but want to ensure you that if your health deteriorates, or if you suddenly become unwell and can’t make your last wishes known, we have the right information to support you at this time. For this reason, we will also ask for any of the following information:

  • Copy: Advanced Health Directive
  • Your funeral arrangements (as known)


On Admission 

  • We encourage you to allow at least three hours for the formal part of the admission process. We would like to make sure you have plenty of time to receive the initial important information and ask questions of us. Our friendly staff want to ensure we meet your needs and preferences, e.g., your dietary and meal preferences, and identify any safety and risk issues associated with your care as soon as possible.
need further assistance?

Get in touch with our friendly team and they will assist you with any enquiries you may have.